Sunday, August 3, 2008

New toiletsWe called ADVANCED plumbing&mechanical on 21 of July.We replace all the toilets.The new toilets can flush 15 golfballs and is really quiet .The old toilets didn't flush properly. Needless to say we are glad that we won't have to plunge the toilets all the time

Maryann off to college

Well it has been a busy week for the stutz family. We managed to pack Maryann all up for college and sent her on her way last Wednesday. She drove herself to Pasco Washington and said that the drive was longer than she remember it to be when we went up last December. She was very tired and was glad that we sent her a few days early. She doesn't see too much of her roommates as they are there more to party than anything else. She was glad for the extra conditioning that she put in over the summer as she is one of the few in good shape. She can tell that it has been a while since she touched a soccer ball, but hopes her skills return fast. she will be attending a young singles ward in Pasco. So pray that she will be able to find some good friends. She is doing well.

Julie's adventures

The past two weeks have been busy for Julie. On July 21 she headed south to EFY at Provo. She had a great time. Her cousin Meghan Coffey went with her. Julie came to learn how much Meghan loves to read as that is how she spent most of her free time. Julie made friends with two girls from Canada. She also learned that if you are going to have fun at a dance you have to take matters into your own hands and ask the boys as most boys are very shy.

Julie returned from EFY and did her wash and started packing for the stake Martins Cove Trek. She had a great expierence. She had a great group as her family. She also saw a man on the trek skin a rattlesnake after he killed it in Dan Jones Cove. She did great and didn't get any blisters or dehydrated. She did have a hard time one day keeping her bonnet on as the wind just kept blowing it away. One of her favorite experiences was when they crossed the sweetwater river. She was touched by the willingness of the boys to carry people across and she wondered if she would be that strong to help others. I think that she would as she is one that tries to help others and think of others often.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Maryann has graduated from high school. she is going to play soccer in Pasco, Washington at Columbia Basin Community College. She will be studying in the nursing field.

4th of July

Doug and a Friend of his designed a race 2 laps around the neighborhood which was about 1.5 miles. Doug, Steve Barrus, Jon, Mom, Julie, Stephen, Spencer and Craig Abel ran the race. Ruby Barrus and Ryan ran a 50 meter little kids race. Ryan liked it sooo much that he ran his race about 12 times. Next time we just might have to let him run the big race. We are hoping that next year we can increase the number of runners in our race.

Chickens We have 6 chickens :4hens 2roosters.The hens lay good size eggs.The 2 Roosters have different cook-a-dodo's.We have built a house for them and a little space for them to ran around and scratch at the dirt. we get 2 to 3 eggs a day. One of the hens lays white egg the other two lays brown eggs. We are going to try to sale the 2 roosters at the fair.

Summer SoccerSummer Soccer Jon ,Stephen and Spencer are doing summer soccer. Jon and Stephen are on the same team and Doug is there coach.They're doing great and are undefeted. Spencer is playing good and his team is having a hard time. They won2 and lost2. All three enjoy playing soccer.